Item #AESPON AE Home Page Sponsor Link - One week listing for a small text ad (max 1 line) on AE's home page
SALE: 5.00 (Regular 10.00)
Item #AEFEAT AE Member Area Featured Site - Banner in AE's member area for one week
SALE: 50.00 (Regular 100.00)
Item #AEPTC Paid To Click Ads - 500 PTC @ 25 credits per click - (no larger than 468x60)
SALE: 2.50 (Regular 5.00)
Item #AEBAN BannerAds - 5,000 banners (no larger than 468x60)
SALE: 2.50 (Regular 5.00)
Item #AEBUTN AE Home Page Sponsor Button - One week listing for a button ad (max 180x125) on AE's home page
SALE: 50.00 (Regular 150.00)
Item #AECRED Credits - 5,000 credits
Price: 5.00
Item #AEPTC$ Paid To Click Ads - 500 PTC @ $0.01 per click - (no larger than 468x60)
SALE: 5.00 (Regular 10.00)
Item #AEMAIL Email to AE members - 1 x sponsor email sent to all AE members worth 100 credits when they click the link (one link only) text (max. 5 lines) or banner
SALE: 50.00 (Regular 100.00)
Item #AE$PTC5 Paid To Click Ads - 500 PTC @ $0.05 per click for one link (no larger than 468x60)
SALE: 10.00 (Regular 40.00)
Item #$MAIL Email to AE SurfPack members - 1 x sponsor email sent to all AE SurfPack members (upgraded only) worth $0.01 when they click the link (one link only) text (max. 5 lines) or banner
SALE: 40.00 (Regular 150.00)
Item #AEBAN2 MEGA BannerAds - 50,000 banners for one link (no larger than 468x60)
SALE: 40.00 (Regular 75.00)
Item #AECRED2 MEGA Credits - 50,000 credits
SALE: 25.00 (Regular 50.00)
Item #AESPON4 AE Home Page Sponsor Link - 4 week listing for a small text ad for one link (max 1 line) on AE's home page (1 link only)
SALE: 25.00 (Regular 40.00)
Item #MAXCRED MAXI Credits - 250,000 credits
SALE: 105.00 (Regular 250.00)
Item #MAXBAN MAXI BannerAds - 250,000 banners for one link (no larger than 468x60)
SALE: 50.00 (Regular 200.00)
Item #MEGAPTC MEGA Paid to Click Ads - 5,000 PTC @ 25 credits per click for one link (no larger than 468x60)
SALE: 25.00 (Regular 75.00)
Item #MAXPTC MAXI Paid to Click Ads - 25,000 PTC ads @ 25 credits per click for one link (no larger than 468x60)
SALE: 50.00 (Regular 200.00)
Item #MEGA$PTC MEGA Paid To Click Ads - 5,000 PTC @ $0.01 per click for one link (no larger than 468x60)
SALE: 75.00 (Regular 100.00)
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Item #AEcrBAN Credit Redemption Banner Ads - 5000 Banners (no larger than 468x60), requires 10,000 credits
Credits: 10000
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Item #AEcrPTC Credit Redemption Paid To Click Ads - 500 PTC @ 10 credits per click (no larger than 468 x 60), requires 10,000 credits
Credits: 10000
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Item #AEcrSPON Credit Redemption Home Page Sponsor Link - One week listing for a small text ad (max 1 line) on AE's home page, requires 15,000 credits
Credits: 15000
Item #AESPON52 AE Home Page Sponsor Link - 52 week listing for a small text ad for one link (max 1 line) on AE's home page (1 link only)
SALE: 100.00 (Regular 500.00)
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Item #AEcrPTC25 Credit Redemption 25 Point Paid To Click Ads - 500 PTC @ 25 credits per click (no larger than 468 x 60), requires 25,000 credits
Credits: 25000
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Item #AEcrPTC50 Credit Redemption 50 Point Paid To Click Ads - 500 PTC @ 50 credits per click (no larger than 468 x 60), requires 50,000 credits
Credits: 50000
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Item #AEPTC50 50 Point Paid To Click Ads - 500 PTC @ 50 credits per click - (no larger than 468 x 60)
Price: 15.00
Item #AEMAILW Email to AE members [Weekly Recurring] - 1 x sponsor email sent to all AE members worth 100 credits when they click the link (one link only) text (max. 5 lines) or banner [Recurring]
Price: 100.00
Item #AEMAIL2 Email to AE members [2-Weekly Recurring] - 1 x sponsor email sent to all AE members worth 100 credits when they click the link (one link only) text (max. 5 lines) or banner [Recurring]
Price: 100.00
Item #AEMAIL3 Email to AE members [3-Weekly Recurring] - 1 x sponsor email sent to all AE members worth 100 credits when they click the link (one link only) text (max. 5 lines) or banner [Recurring]
Price: 100.00
Item #AEMAIL4 Email to AE members [4-Weekly Recurring] - 1 x sponsor email sent to all AE members worth 100 credits when they click the link (one link only) text (max. 5 lines) or banner [Recurring]
Price: 100.00
Item #AEMAIL6 Email to AE members [6-Weekly Recurring] - 1 x sponsor email sent to all AE members worth 100 credits when they click the link (one link only) text (max. 5 lines) or banner [Recurring]
Price: 100.00
Item #AEMAILQ Email to AE members [12-Weekly Recurring] - 1 x sponsor email sent to all AE members worth 100 credits when they click the link (one link only) text (max. 5 lines) or banner [Recurring]
Price: 100.00
Item #AEMAILS Email to AE members [26-Weekly Recurring] - 1 x sponsor email sent to all AE members worth 100 credits when they click the link (one link only) text (max. 5 lines) or banner [Recurring]
Price: 100.00
Item #AEMAILY Email to AE members [Annual Recurring] - 1 x sponsor email sent to all AE members worth 100 credits when they click the link (one link only) text (max. 5 lines) or banner [Recurring]
Price: 100.00